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首页✿ 德国 KNOCKS > ♬ 热水至95°C • 软化水 • 渗透水 饮用水用 KWR G1/4"调压阀 (减压阀)



德國 諾克斯 Knocks / KORONA  KWR G1/4" 减压阀
热水至95°C • 软化水 • 渗透水  饮用水用  



KORONA 压力减压阀专门用于医疗和食品行业的水应用。 它们为透析设备,牙科技术和渗透水系统提供了清洁的解决方案。


顶级标准放在调节器性能上。 我们使用的所有材料都是生理无害的和生物兼容的。

食品生产 专业知识 KNOCKS expertise for food production

食品专业知识 Food expertise

KNOCKS 解決方案旨在保證食品的絕對清潔度,即使壓縮空氣直接或間接接觸食品也是如此。當涉及到您所在行業的生產清潔度和質量保證時,這是至關重要的因素。

KNOCKS solutions are designed to guarantee the absolute cleanliness of the food, even if the compressed air comes into direct or indirect contact with it. That is the crucial factor when it comes to cleanliness in production and quality assurance in your industry.


我们的卫生保证DIN 认证 Our assurance of hygiene: DIN certification

KNOCKS 明白这有多么重要!我们提供符合 ISO 8573-1:2010 认证并满足最严格的卫生和清洁要求的压缩空气质量的原因。这是我们对您的承诺,因此您可以保证提供顶级食品。

KNOCKS has understood how important that is! That’s why we provide compressed air qualities certified in accordance with ISO 8573-1:2010 and meet the most stringent requirements for hygiene and cleanliness. That is our promise to you, so that you can guarantee top-of-the-range food.


樹立好榜樣 Setting a good example

KNOCKS 解决方案用于食品行业的各个部分。很高兴帮助您选择适合您要求的产品。我们产品的典型应用实例是组合蒸锅、包装和咖啡机或烘焙设备。 

KNOCKS solutions are used in various parts of the food industry. We are glad to help you select the right product for your requirements. Typical examples of use for our products are in combination steamers, packaging and coffee machines or baking equipment.


交給我們吧! Leave it to us!

KNOCKS 都将助您一臂之力!我们将帮助您从适合您领域的无数产品系列中选择合适的产品,或者分析您的确切需求并为您开发定制产品。无论哪种方式 - 我们都会找到解决方案! 

No matter how we can help you – you are in good hands with KNOCKS! We will help you select the right product from our innumerable range that are suitable for your field, or analyse your exact needs and develop a custom product for you. Either way – we’ll find a solution!


